Women Together in This


We provide knowledge to women through professionals
tailored to their cultural and faith beliefs

Our Mission

Our organization is committed to empowering Women, Faith Groups and Faith Leaders to become agents of positive change in the fight against Domestic abuse , Mental Health Issues and FGM. We believe that by challenging deep health beliefs and working as interfaith to bridge religious barriers, we can create a world in which domestic abuse and mental health issues are effectively challenged and prevented. To this end, we will deliver training and workshop sessions to Faith Leaders and their congregations to build their confidence in addressing and combating harmful practices. We will also provide support to Faith Leaders as they engage their communities and raise awareness about the issue of domestic abuse, Mental health issues, we will mentor young leaders to help spread our message far and wide.

Who We Are

Women Together In This leaders come from different Faith group communities, some with lived in experiences, While others have Psychology with counselling backgrounds.
We support migrant women who are experiencing domestic abuse, mental health issues, Female Genital Mutilation survivors, refuges and asylum seekers and single loneliness survivors.
We challenge and burst Church myths, misinterpretation of the Holy Books in regard to domestic abuse as well as mental health issues, by educating the woman as well as working together with different Faith Leaders from various Faith groups.

Our Purpose

What We Do

Bringing Professionals

We aim into passing this knowledge to her by bringing onboard professionals who are culturally tailored to their needs and Faith beliefs.

Prevent Violence

We aim to prevent and respond to violence against “women of Faith”, acting sensitively to their religious and cultural backgrounds, especially acknowledging challenges faced by BAME women whose religion has been mixed with culture.

Policy Creation

We aim to work closely with various Faith leaders from different Faith groups and non-Faith, policy makers within our communities, by way of encouraging them to having clear, well written policies and procedures, on such matters which increases transparency, accountability, uniformity, and stability. Faith groups to incorporate such, in their usual teachings, trainings, prayers, guidance and counselling etc. this will normalise everything and will take away the stigma, intimidation as well as bursting such myths.
This will reduce cases for domestic abuse and violence from different faith groups, will empower women in speaking out, boost courage and self-esteem.

Practical Support

To offer practical support to women facing challenges and with no access to technology/internet by providing access to laptops and phones to seek help. We provide support groups, tailored counselling services and welcoming space for women both virtual and physical.

Drop-in Sessions

We aim to open several drop-in sessions for women within the community where we provide sound advice and help for women, around protecting themselves, by conducting open and confidential conversations despite being a woman of Faith, in small groups and delivering trainings via Faith group platforms, constantly holding online conversations on Domestic Abuse awareness, Female Genital Mutilation and how to safeguard oneself from such Myths and misinterpretation of the Holy Books.

Tailored Services

We aim to carry on tailored service based on the need where conversations and all personal information will remain 100% confidential. We have existing links with several women groups, we’ll build upon these relationships to expand our reach by word of mouth, advertise drop-in groups through local organizations & also social media. 


Meet Our Team

Rev J.K Paul
Founder & Director
Elizabeth Kabando
Ana Urian
Lillian Ariguzo

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